This is a fast, “shifting” giant board game that is played by four teams of 2-4 people per team. The object of the activity is to work with your team members to collect “artifacts” that are inside a giant maze (5′ x 5′ square grid of 8” tiles). To do this, they must navigate their player token along clear passageways to reach the items. Teams manipulate the walls and passageways by shifting the tiles that make up the maze each time it is their turn. This is done by inserting a new square tile at the end of one row of the giant grid that makes up the maze. Pushing the new tile into place shifts all the tiles in that row and changes the look (opens or closes passageways) of the maze. Not only will the passageways shift, the rules can too. New rule changes are actually up to the teams themselves. Lots to consider!
What People Are Saying About Corporate Games
–Ericsson, Inc.