This was in our newsletter a couple years ago, and people have asked us to share these fun ideas again. Happy Holidays!!! You have the facility, the food and the drinks, and lots of people coming for fun. How can you make the holiday party more interesting, fun and memorable—without having to spend a lot of your time getting ideas and materials together? Here are some quick, easy ideas to get Read More
An Interactive Event for Theater Style Seating?
This was an interesting question posed to us recently. In this seating configuration, people cannot move except to stand up, sit down, and turn in place. However, you may have people seated in this fashion for a meeting, but need a quick energizer or two. Here are some great ideas that we formulated just for a group like this... Ideas for Theater Seating Activities-- This is a series of Read More
Foster a TEAM Attitude and Culture
What happens when you are part of a team, but are excluded from giving input or receiving information? The team ultimately fails. It is not that easy to foster a team culture- and sadly, human nature is at the heart of the problem. We all have opinions on how things should be done and what we should do to succeed. Those who are like-minded tend to bond together; it is very satisfying to have Read More
The Design & Engineering Olympics– Expanded and Funtastic!
Here's a great event that has something for everyone. It: Provides a series of team challenges, not just a single competition. This keeps things moving quickly and keeps energy high. Has a variety of types of challenges—some that are more physical and some more mental. This increases the appeal, because there is “something for everyone.” Requires a high level of interaction and Read More
Experiential Learning = Real Team Building
There is a very wide range of activities that people refer to as “team building” these days. Nearly everything that is done in a group is referred to as team building—even things like going to a ball game together. However, this is incorrect. And because so many things are categorized as such, you’ll see some people push back and question the need or relevance of “team building.” First, Read More