Create good will—not hate. It is up to all of us. This requires communicating—not isolation. “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” What does this really mean? Sometimes it feels like it means just to the people who are like ourselves—not everyone. Kindness doesn’t cost a thing, but unfortunately it is not always given freely. Remember that “Talk is cheap”—this is a positive statement as well Read More
Don’t Let Post Election Anxiety Hurt Your Team
It’s Thanksgiving-- Keep Talking and Supporting Each Other The election is over, but the uncertainty, divisiveness and questions remain. Colleagues, friends and relatives who are on different sides of the issues (and supported different candidates) are questioning each other’s intelligence, thought processes and whether they really know each other at all. Trust and in Read More
Good Leaders Can Use Conflict to Build a Great Team
Few things divide teams more than disagreement. We experience this in personal life as well as business and politics. Poor leaders believe in creating problems and divisiveness by telling everyone how bad things are. They bully people into agreeing with their ideas and are dictators not leaders. Though people may follow along for a while, this is an extremely poor and disastrous way to lead Read More
How to Be a Bad Boss–is this you?
By Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer Recall your worst day at work, when events of the day left you frustrated, unmotivated by the job, and brimming with disdain for your boss and your organization. That day is probably unforgettable. But do you know exactly how your boss was able to make it so horrible for you? Our research provides insight into the precise levers you can use to re-create that Read More
What weakens a team and what can you do to fix it?
Whether you realize it or not, we are all part of at least one "team." This can be a work group, a family, a social group or community service committee. There will always be changes, people and incidents that work to improve or weaken your team. Things that could work against your team include: Toxic personalities who knowingly or unknowingly hurt your team's effectiveness. Bad luck. Read More
Develop Leadership Skills Using Team Exercises
One of the greatest problems in corporate America is that we promote people to leadership positions –simply because they have been there for years—not because they are good leaders. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the high tech industry. Engineers are hired for their knowledge and skill at writing code or designing, but they do not have any training to lead or manage a group. You can Read More